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Dental Work

Premier Surgical

Premier Surgical Services is the go-to provider for complex

surgical procedures performed in your practice setting.

Completed All On X

Your Success - Our Priority

Our aim is to assist your practice while upholding the trust and confidence of your patients.

It is important to keep profitable procedures in your practice. You don't need to refer your patients elsewhere as we come to your office. Premier Surgical primary focus is to offer top-notch care to ensure that you and your patients have the best experience possible. We have access to a leading digital dental lab with decades of experience. This enables us to provide our clients with efficient, predictable processes and high-quality, long-lasting prosthetics.

Digital Planning

All cases are planned using cone beam imaging, and implant positions are based on an ideal prosthetic setup. Surgical guides are used to achieve optimal results for each case.

CT Scan FM Rehab
3D Scan FM Rehab

Fee Schedule

Dental Implant

Bone Graft PRF

Sinus Graft


$ 1,500.00

$    350.00

$ 1,500.00

$    350.00


Fixed Implant Hybrid/Arch

Removable Implant Overdenture/Arch

*Cone Beam Radiograph

*Intra-Oral Scanning, TRIOS

*Implants and Lab Fees

*Many procedures are a 50/50 split after expenses





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Surgical Account

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41548 Eastman Dr. # F,

Murrieta, CA 92562

Tel: 1-951-698-9309

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